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Top Essential Tips For Managing Remote Employees

With a strict stay-at-home mandate, thousands of companies find themselves working remotely, maybe for the first time, in a new situation. Working remotely is a new concept for many companies. Others may not even have felt that this was possible.

Emonics LLC is a professional staffing agency with expertise in remote control of employees. In order to make the most of this incredible opportunity, we suggest the following ways to remotely empower and manage your employees and encourage them to do their best when working from home.

1. Make sure employees are trained to work from home

This is probably the first time your whole company has been operating remotely for an extended period of time, and if that is the case, your staff will need to be educated from home on operating. Starting with the basics is best to ensure your team is through. For example, make sure that all workers have the correct equipment to operate from homes, such as a laptop or desktop.

If you are a small company with minimal resources, of course, or your company may not have access to the internet or cloud-based applications, certain targets can not be feasible. However, for those who can work from home, it is vital that everyone has at their fingertips the logins or equipment-training required. It's also possible workers would need support they don't have. To prevent confusion and miscommunication, it is best to have someone on staff identified as the go-to contact for supporting or troubleshooting with coworkers.

2. Fix a company's stance on working remotely

Although working hours might not have changed for your company, it's important to set work expectations for your remote workers. It's natural to allow for flexibility within the schedules of your team when they handle working from home, particularly when other family members might be involved, however setting standards would ensure more consistent and more coordinated operations.

You'll want to hear how your team adapts to any changes brought on by COVID-19 for your clients or consumers, and remain open and ready for company. Social media and emails are an efficient way to communicate information. Team members should also attach a line to their email signatures so that clients with whom you are in touch are also aware of any new developments from the organization. Furthermore, if your company needs temporary hires or you need extra recruiting, it will be important to use social media to advertise your open positions as interactions shift online more heavily. Additionally, you can contact a qualified recruiting agency such as Emonics LLC to locate the workers you need.

3. Keep all communication lines open

As a team leader and boss, having the clients, customers, and staff reachable will be important. Make sure you have approved any required changes to the contact numbers for calls or text and inform them that they are safe to use.

Status meetings will also be important as the team approaches project management from different locations. It would be best to set up a regular or weekly ongoing touch-base meeting to keep all projects moving forward. Emonics LLC is currently working via Zoom, the video conferencing software, as a team twice daily to keep projects on track. Another way to keep your contact coordinated with remote team members is to set up advisory hours during which your staff can make an appointment to have open conversations with you and ask any questions they may have.

4. Have a positive attitude towards your team

Efficient communication and management will most likely be a learning curve as the team adapts. Give any help you need to your squad and be patient while everyone settles in. Be mindful that video chats will have breakdowns and on team calls, dogs will bark in the background. A positive attitude towards the colleagues would inspire all others to do the same.

5. Hire a professional staffing service 

We are more than just a staffing company, at Emonics LLC. We deliver HR consultancy solutions and talent recruiting customized to your needs. We are here to assist with temp-staffing, remote recruiting, and other team management needs that you might have. For more information about our services go through our website.

We may be operating remotely, but we have open roles to fill and we remain committed to being one of the best agencies for staffing. Apply online, or email us today for any of our available job listings.