Signs You’re Working For a Great Employer

How do you do your work? Asking a friend when catching up is one of the most common questions, and yet only 47 percent of Americans can say they are really happy with their job in answer. If things go badly at work, the emphasis on the negatives becomes easy. For others, moaning about their job has become basically a habit, and it can feel refreshing when they finally land a position at a workplace without those negatives. But there is a major difference between working for an employer that offers a neutral employee experience and one which actively ensures that their employees can succeed. Here are the five best indicators for a successful employer that you work for.

1. They make a goal for your career

Work isn't necessarily the same as a profession. Your work reflects longer-term professional development and should feel satisfying and rewarding, rather than just a paycheck to get you by. Unfortunately, just 51 percent of people see their job as a profession, and at least part of their workplaces are to blame.

Great employers do what they can to help their employees grow. Supervisors and managers will become your mentors with this attitude, asking you not only what you want to get out of your current role, but where you are hoping to be in three, five, and ten years. Exceptional employers are really listening to and responding by helping you find a career path that will get you to where you want to go with your job. They check in with you for updates, whether it's periodically, yearly, or anything in between, to make sure things are still going to plan. This type of employee loyalty and commitment is critical when turning a job into a career.

2. Culture is getting active

A superb culture is the # 1 predictor of a decent employer according to Fortune. Companies who concentrate on the experience of the employee go out of their way to keep their employees happy, and this can take several forms. Are there ways to liaise with your colleagues? Professional conferences are one thing, but what about things that just have fun and relax, such as party lunches, board games, or bowling outside the office? Similarly, is society inclusive? If you come across a question or think of a new idea, are you confident speaking up? You see the results of a great society as your colleagues are friends, and you feel engaged in the workday.

3. They build an enjoyable environment

The physical environment of an individual has a significant effect on how they feel and, in turn, on their productivity and professional performance. We've both seen or served in places that we instinctively hated, whether it was a dingy basement or a bland cubicle smaller than a closet. The best businesses to work to have excellent environments for their workers to enjoy a safe, energizing environment. While not every organization can create a state-of-the-art office space from scratch, hopefully, your employer is at least attempting to constantly upgrade or improve your surroundings. If you've ever considered Instagramming your view from the workplace or used the word "smart" when explaining your office to a friend, you're probably working in a strong environment.

4. Check out their Sources

These days, we're searching for the opinion of others through feedback and ratings, before we buy just about anything. Why would we handle our jobs in a different way? Third-party views on our workplace help us see something more clearly by validating what we already believe in or opening our eyes to something that is concealed under the surface. After all, you have already had to give your employer references when you applied for your current job. Similarly, a successful employer is straightforward and you have references to find out too. Indeed and Glassdoor reviews are common information outlets much like any other "best of" satisfaction awards.

5. Adequate pay and benefits

Compensation can also separate sub-par employers from good employers, but not always in the way one would expect. Depending on your position, experience, and market conditions, it's important to pay accordingly because as long as your salary is in the right ballpark, certain factors prove the true intentions of your company. Working with the best businesses would bring other advantages that could include improved work-life balance, flexible working hours, remote working days, affordable meals, free coffee or snacks and much more. A combination of these non-salary incentives shows that an employer not only wants to pay you off for coping with a bad community or climate but also cares about you as a person and recognizes that your job is only one part of your life.


When you're spending 40 + hours a week at work, it should be at a position you're enjoying and one that helps you push your career forward. Working for an organization that builds the ideal community, atmosphere, and career path may sound like a fairy tale, but these employers do exist. When not one of them is your present employer then it might be time to look for something different.