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How to Stay Productive When You Work From Home

The secret to successful work-from-home is to create an environment where you can focus on the tasks at hand. When you're working for the first time from home or just need a quick refresher, here are some tips for creating a safe but efficient work area at home:

1. Choose a space based on your needs

The home office serves a great function but it's not all the time for everybody. Would you like to fuel your imagination, or would you prefer a quiet place where numbers crunch? Every day you can find yourself curled up on the couch, and the next, depending on the project, at the dining table. Determine how the day normally breaks. Will you get more creative in the morning, for example? For your new project, you should spend this time writing or brainstorming ideas. The afternoons will then be a more enjoyable period spent relaxing on the couch, sifting through emails and completing the remainder of the workday tasks.

2. Claim a clutter-free zone

If you're working in a home office, kitchen or living room, if there's stuff around that reminds you of your household duties, you'll get distracted and your eyes will go there. Assert a clutter-free zone while you're working from home. This will help you stay focused on your workload and become more consistent with experience at the workplace.

3. Get ready for the day

Many people believe working from home means sitting in pajamas in the background with the television. Not true!-Not true! Much as in an office environment, when you're working from home you have to set yourself up for success. Get ready to go into the workplace as you can. Set a morning get up routine, make your morning cup of coffee and do whatever else you need to get in the right mindset. You may want to list your work to-do list for the day, too. Once you set a goal you increase your chances of being successful.

4. Set yourself in a good place

Some people find working in bed or on sofa convenient. If you're not sitting at a table, in either case, make sure you have a tiny one within easy reach. You may not have a ton of papers laid out before you, but you'll benefit from having the space to place a glass of water and your phone. For any time you need extra space, coffee tables, and side tables will suit the bill. You may also use a c-table to prop up your laptop to eye level and reduce your neck strain. Including finding a surface area, you'll also want to make sure your attitude is kept in order. Propose a few throw pillows to help you keep your body balanced properly.

5. Switch the Lights on

Natural light can be lovely through the windows, but it can also create glare on your computer screen. If windows are working to your benefit and the view isn't distracting, fine. If not, pull the blinds and turn the light on. Table lamps and floor lamps offer targeted task light if there is insufficient overhead lighting in your room.

6. Create a personalized work area

One of the advantages of working from home is being able to build a personalized field of work in a way you may not be able to do at the workplace. The goal is to create a comfortable but efficient space ideally suited to your individual working style. Add elements, such as fresh flowers, houseplants, task lighting, candles or beautiful crystals, that promote a relaxing or inspiring atmosphere.

7. Prepare To-do-List

If you're sporadically working from home, a few days a week or all of the time, you'll need to prepare your regular schedule. Set your start date, noon break hours, and what date for the day you'll be clocking out. With your workload, that will keep you on track. This also sends the message that you have a fairly fixed schedule just as you would at the office to your colleagues.

8. Take a walk

While much of the time working from your couch can be fantastic, sometimes you need to break the day. Take a 10-minute stroll around the block to freshen up and allow new ideas to come in. Looking for a Scenery Change? Head over to your nearest coffee shop or library for a few hours to work there because it blends in with your schedule. And, if you know someone else who works from home, invite them to an informal co-working party. Not only does this help you get closer to the in-office environment but it can also be a replacement for cooler talks and socializing in the workplace.


One of the most critical aspects of a balanced homework routine is to establish boundaries. Turn off from your laptop and not just for the day. Consider creating at the end of the day a word you say to yourself, to signal your mind that it is time to stop worrying about work. Have you come up with a last-minute idea after working hours? Jot it down, but, tomorrow, come back. Only because you still have access to work doesn't mean you can log in 24/7. To build a work-life balance, encourage yourself to have downtime we all need it, no matter where we're working.