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The Benefits of Flexible Working Hours

Flexible work is what it appears to be. It means providing more flexibility to the workers to choose where, when, or how they operate. Three key flexible work options are available: flexible locations, flexible schedules, and flexible time.

Many employers may have assumed in the past that flexible work was a luxury that only young employees desired. Yet employees of all kinds want more flexible working conditions, as many recent studies have found. I'll tell you in this post about what both of these studies learned about the positive effects of flexible work. You'll also hear about the opportunities for both employees and employers through flexible working.

Benefits for Employees

The perfect tool for recruitment

As a key factor, Top-Talent will now look for flexible working hours and conditions as to whether or not they want to work for a company. For millennials who want versatility, this characteristic is especially important. Some great talent can be attracted to your business by having a clear, open, and honest flexible working policy.

Enhanced productivity

There is no magic formula that states that the best work is done between 9 am and 6 pm. In reality, they will always tell you their best job is done outside of these hours if you ask any CEO. Different individuals perform best at different times, and businesses will see a major productivity gain by allowing them to choose when they work. It is also not realistic to have free rein over deciding when to work, but if an employee asks if they should begin earlier to finish earlier, with a straightforward case of how they can get more done because of it, then it is worth listening to an argument.

Better Health

Enhanced employee health is another possible benefit of a flexible working arrangement. Nearly 75 percent of workers said work has conflicts with their attempts to tend to their wellbeing, according to the Flex Jobs report. And, 89% thought that a flexible career would assist them to take better care of themselves.

Benefits for Employers

Costs reduce

We know flexible work will enhance the well-being of employees. And the happier your workforce is, the more the company earns. Healthier workers tend to be more active and efficient. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it costs U.S. firms as much as $250.8 billion annually to lose productivity due to poor health.

Boost hiring efforts

For almost every organization, hiring and retaining talented workers is a top priority. We have already addressed how flexible work enhances retention, but it also increases the recruiting efforts. When considering potential job prospects, 77 percent of workers will list flexible work as a primary consideration.

Higher Retention Rate

As reported earlier, flexible working helps to increase the retention of the company employees. If you're a business without a flexible working schedule, because of this policy, there's a real risk you'll lose staff. The value of flexible work for employee retention has been shown by several studies.


Your jobs want more flexible opportunities for working. Overall, these choices also have obvious advantages for the company. So, if you do not start yoga classes to reap the benefits of a more fluid workforce, give your employees more flexible working arrangements.