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5 Productivity Hacks for Recruiters in Times of Crisis

In all shapes and sizes, personal crises come. There is even a well-established scale of stressful events, supported by evidence. The scale helps to determine how stressful events in your life may jeopardize your well-being by using a scoring system. When faced with a personal crisis, it's hard to remain productive. But in most cases, as you take some time off to heal and get back to work, this is generally not an insurmountable problem.

Embrace the crisis

It's very tempting to adopt an attitude where you choose to ignore it if a problem lasts for a long time, or at least longer than you wished it to do. You're going to dust it off, convince yourself it's all right, and try to put the soldier on. It could even work for a while. However, after a while, running from it will only cause harm. It's going to compound like debt, and you won't be able to run from it sooner or later, and it'll hit you hard.

You need to understand that when you are unable to pick yourself up and be your normal productive self, you will have really bad days. And that's perfect. There is a reason why we refer to them as crises. Thanks to days or times like that you can never feel like you are useless. It becomes easier to deal with it and remain an effective recruiter once you've acknowledged the crisis.

Begin with self-care

A prolonged crisis can turn into a vicious cycle quickly. Stress affects the way you take care of yourself, which in turn, further increases your levels of stress, and thus continues the loop. This is why it is critical that you take a proactive self-care approach and set up a regime to protect your physical and mental health.

Get a decent amount of sleep

We already don't get enough sleep as a nation as part of what some researchers refer to as an actual public health issue. Sleep is typically the first to suffer in times of crisis, compounding the problem even more. Given the significant adverse effects that sleep deprivation can have on concentration, decision-making, and overall physical and mental health, it should be one of the goals of your self-care regimen to get enough sleep.

During a crisis, dietary habits are sometimes overlooked, and we reach out for unhealthy foods either out of comfort or a sense of comfort. It can be complicated, but an important part of self-care is developing healthy eating habits. The same goes for exercise, which during a crisis can feel like the last thing you want to do, but it can be done. Anything strenuous does not have to be. A brisk stroll or a trip on a bicycle would do just fine. Only make it normal, and outdoors if possible.

Stay social

If something has been taught us by the Covid-19 pandemic, it's how painful it is to have our social relations reduced to breaking point. And it's easy to let go and sever those ties entirely by inaction in a prolonged, sustained crisis.

It is extremely important to keep in contact with your loved ones during extended crises because when things get really bad, they can be a support network. It also helps to add insight to a situation that may seem hopeless.

Take time to unwind

You can feel that you do not have the time to relax, or that you do not deserve to relax, in your pursuit of efficiency during a crisis. One of the most destructive things you can do to yourself is this. You need a break for your brain and body. It does not matter if it is the most pointless, mundane thing in the world. It is about unwinding some of the burdens and releasing it.

When discussing efficiency, these may seem unimportant, but in fact, they are crucial. You can't expect to be effective in the long run when faced with a crisis without taking care of yourself.


Remember a few things before we wrap this up. For one thing, not being effective here and it is perfectly good. We're talking about a significant crisis that takes its toll over time, and you might have to take care of yourself for days. That's good.

Also, bear in mind that with time, things get better. People respond to situations of all sorts. Even in the direst of emergencies, we humans have a way of bending in the wind, finding ways to thrive, and even be profitable.